Yolanda Lopez
I am a Human Ecologist and Geographer specialised in freshwater resources. Human Ecology (2009-2011) Master studies at the Department of Human Ecology at the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (Cinvestav), in Mexico.
I recently earned my PhD degree, Dr. rer. nat., (viva 12th Jan 2018) at the Department of Geography, Lehr- und Forschungseinheit Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Germany. I also participated in the Doctoral Program at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU, Munich. My research involved the development and application of novel and experimental approaches and other methods of systems analysis to real-world problems related to human-environmental interactions.
My achievements in research are quite unique since I am excited by several opportunities to bring local and scientific knowledge to bear on the real world. My first experience of truly successful research came in 2009, when I joined the Human Ecology Department at Cinvestav, Mexico, and where I collaborated in the Research and Community Participation Lab in which I developed my thesis. In essence, during my master, I worked with the analysis of complex Social Ecological Systems (SES). In addition, I gained further understanding of topics associated to both, ecological/environmental sciences, and experiences in fieldwork, project application and feedback of results. During this time, in 2011, I also carried out a research stay at the Department of Geography, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, within the TUDISTAR Research group.
For my PhD thesis I worked in the creation of a new method for the development of techniques to investigate groundwater systems undergoing global change with a focus on an holistic and more robust approach. My project aimed to reveal tendencies of groundwater dynamics, understand the role of drivers and feedbacks, evaluate impacts, and to suggest possible solutions. Because of the complexity of my research topic, I am on the necessity to be involved in the application of knowledge from different fields including mathematical modelling, social and natural sciences. Thus, central to my work is the application of an holistic and integrated problem formulation to finding solutions.
In the course of my PhD I was awarded as a Young Scholar by two of the most important think tanks of the world: the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Laxenburg, Austria, 2015), and The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Stockholm, Sweden, 2016-2018). Likewise, I spent a research stay at the Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba under the mentorship of Prof. Fikret Berkes (Winnipeg, Canada, 2015).
As an academic indigenous woman, I have been very active attending international conferences, congresses and workshops in Austria, Canada, China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, United Kingdom, United States of America, among others, where I have communicated results from my research, derived from my Master’s degree and PhD studies. I’m also member of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (2015-onwards).
Other Activities:- Mexican Dance and Music (practice & theory)- Museography (Ad honorem)- Diver and Scientific writer.
For full CV please contact.