Yolanda Lopez
Recent Work
In 2012, I started my PhD at the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, joining the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, and the Department of Geography, Human-Environment Relations research group. My current research is linked to groundwater pollution problems and takes into account the impact of human activities in this fragile ecosystem.
In my home country, Mexico, water demands are growing, and inhabitants have to deal with water problems; moreover, groundwater data remain limited. Because it is necessary to secure water for the future, my research will shed light on this problem by analysing flows and exchange of materials, energy and substances with the environment. This will reveal factors affecting it, and serve as a basis for a long-term strategic planning.
I worked in Yucatan, Mexico, jointly with the Ministry of Environment and Urban Development of Yucatan Seduma, now Ministry of Sustainable Development, SDS, with the aim of promoting environmental literacy in the Maya communities of Yucatán.
I have worked as a consultant for the Convention on Biological Diversity, dealing with the analysis of a range of projects.
I am currently based on Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and collaborating with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm, Sweden, and also with the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Catalunya, Spain, as a Researcher.
I am a member of the Global Diversity Foundation's US Board of Directors, where I contribute to the search of funding, and calls applications, for example.